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סיור לכל המשפחה Group

ציבורי·107 חברים

New Aspects and Uniques – What’s the Best Combo?

With the Legendary Aspects and Unique Items revealed buy diablo 4 items for Season 8, theory-crafting has already begun. Some of these items and aspects have insane synergy, and I think we’re about to see some new builds dominate the leaderboards.

One example: pairing the new Rogue Unique dagger (which boosts poison damage after a Shadow Step) with an Aspect that extends poison duration. This could be a nightmare for enemies in PvP. Sorcerers could go all-in on burn-based builds, stacking mana reduction from Aspects with the new Unique staff.

Are you planning to mix and match these new additions with your current build, or are you considering a D4 Materials for Sale fresh start in Season 8? Drop your best build ideas here!

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